Killing Eve:characters-
- Eve is a funny character, she works for the MI5. She appears to be a strong indepent character, she tends to wear casual and formal clothes which is antistereotypical. Eve is very unorganised which can be seen in the scene where she entered the meeting. She is very stubborn, reckless and smart. She figured out the assassin was a female which makes her smart. Eve then disobeyed her boss and went and question the witness which shows her recklessness.
- stereoptically feminine's that can be shown through her clothes and her appearance she is a funny character which is shown when she played a prank on Konstratin. Villanelle is very strong and skilled with her killings. She likes her shopping, she stubbon, playful, smart and quick.
- He is anti stereotypical masculine, he takes care of his wife, Eve. He is kind and caring. He does the cooking which goes against masculinity. He appears to be more of the house wife material in the relationship.
- He is friends with Eve and Niko, he kind and helps Eve.
- He is funny, he laid back and can be serious, he concern for Eve.
- He is the Boss, doesn't listen to people suggestion, typically masculinity
- sort of a father figure for villanelle, serious, the boss, masculine, sense of humour.
- kind, helps Eve, she laid back and has good humour.
The narrative started of with villanelle in Vienna enjoying some ice cream and whipping some blood of her watch which indicates she is the assassin. Its moves onto the next scene where we are introduce to Eve who works at the MI5. We are shown the meeting where they discuss the assassination that are being committed by villanelle. Eve goes on a mission to find who this person is. Meanwhile villanelle does another assassin in Tuscany. Eve interview some witness and goes to the hospital, Eve then gets fired from her job but carol then offers her an new job that is a secret.
Killing Eve:
Britain good which is shown through the MI5 which is a british government. You can also see the mix of eithicy that is being represented in killing eve. For example through Eve who is asian, also elena who is black and other representation. This shows that Britain is a mulitpleculture country.
Russian is represented as bad which is shown through the character Villanelle since she a assassin.
Killing Eve -Ethnicity
- Asian, she represents the middle age and younger asian women {goes agaist the stereotypes of an asian women}
- russian, she represents the younger russian women through her style and she is open minded and smart which is shown through her style and her assassin which is the characteristics of a russian female.
- polish represents the older polish people and doesnt under much of the polish slang which is shown when he turn to Dom to translate the slang to Eve.
- polish, dom is representing the younger polish side which can be seen through the dialog when he helps even translate and the slang.
- Russian representing the older russian men, the assassin. Very serious and rarely smiles, he smart
- british, white, older males.
- representing young black people.
Killing Eve: masculinity
- he goes against the stereotype of masculinity as he is shown to be less traditional which is shown when he cooks, looks after eve, he also seem to be a concerning male who worries for his wife.
- postitive, he caring almost like a father figure to eve, he a good boss and older. He has some aspect of stereotype of masculinity such as being an male older boss, he tends to wear formal yet causal which represent he laid back and isn't a serious man.
- rude, dresses in formal suits, the boss, rude, dominate, serious which is stereotypically masculine. traditional, older, negative
- dresses in a formal clothes, mainly black. He is authoritative, traditional which is the stereotype of masculinity.
Killing Eve
Final question:
Killing Eve represents different representation such as gender, ethnicity and patriotism. Gender can be represented through the character such as Eve who is both feminine and masculine that can be seen through her clothing and confidents which goes against the stereotype of feminist, she is very reckless and brave which reforce the masculinity type. Eve tend to wear baggy clothes but its also formal which goes against the stereotype of feminist, however Eve does care about her appearance, that can be shown through the dialogo and media language in the scene in the hospital bathroom, Villanelle says to Eve she looks nice with her hair down and then in a mid camera shot, you see Eve consider her words and leave her hair down which reforce she fits both masculinity and feminist role which butler theory links to since he talks about gender performative and how its not about the gender but how we preform the gender role, which can be shown with Eve because she doesn't perform one gender but both female and male, we can also see it in villelle who mostly plays the feminine role which can be see at the start of the episode with her carrying lots of shopping bags which fits the stereotype of being feminine as you can see she plays the female gender role.
Lupin characters-
- is the main character, he is confident and successful, he is very strong and determine to get the necklace back, at the beginning he fits with the lower class and he also challenge the gang and he is very intelligence.
- Assane father. He is very smart and well educated, plus hes a polite man and seen helping the blonde women with her car which shows he can be a gentlemen.
Mr pillgrini-
- rich old man
mrs pillgrini-
wife of rich old man
daughter {Juliet?}
- daughter of rich man
The gangs
- helps steals necklace. They are seen as uneducated and they are lazy.
the decetive
- Necklace
- makes the necklace
The narrative is trying to steal the necklace, however the gang members get caught whereas assane walked away freely with the necklace in his pocket, leaving the people behind with a fake necklace. In the flashbacks, his father get accused of stealing the necklace which lead him to go to prison, however he was found hanging from his prison which left Assane alone and filled with revange agaist the Pelligrini family.
Lupin was set in just paris, showing they don't have that much money. Lupin has more class which highlights the class divison. France is known for being the highest European for gender equality. The racial tension is knowledge in lupin within society as are race and class are seen as intersectional, in every sitution those power are white and those who are lower are people colour.
Lupin -Gender
Assane is being represented as a cleaner at the start of the episode which isn't very masculine, he also seen not be able to provide for his son and isn't very present which. He is very smart and educated. When one of the gang members tries to attack him, he fights back which shows his strength and masculine side.
- He is a gentlemen and is represented as a well educated male. He also very smart
mr prillgrini
- He is being represented as a white masculine who has power which can be shown through the study room scene, he is shown to have dominace and control over his wife.
mrs prillgrini
- listen to her husband and doesn't say anything when babaker is being accused
Juliette?- is being sexulised by the male gaze.
The gangs
- Represented as masculine, pins assane over the belcony, also the physical appearence show his muscles and the tatoos which is stereotype of gangs. Also seen as lazy.
- Is being represented as a single mum, she looks tired yet well put together, that can be shown through the use of her clothes which shows she put together, however her face looks tired, she isn't seen outside the male gaze.
Lupin- social class
lower class is being represented though the cleaning people which can be shown though the wide camera shot in the museme of different people cleaning, the use of mise-en-scene is shown with what they are wearing which is looks to be dirty cleaning clothes. Which can contast with the museme which looks fancy and where upper class would visit wearing nicer clothes. People of different race/ethincity is being shown as cleaners and are in the lower class which is a nagative representation and can be linked back to the context at the time lupin was released. Assane is also seen wearing baggy clothes and not put together which fits the lower class stereotype.
The location can represent the lower class with the use of the wide camera shot, you can see the walls are covered in grifeted which indicated that they the location isn't of someone who has money and power. Also they are seen as uneducated which can be shown though the gangs who lack knowledge.
Eithicty is represented though assane and bakaker. Bakekr is not treated in the same way as Mr Prilligrini who is a rich white man, you can see that babaker is being mistreated by the prilligrini and is being accused of stealing the necklace which repesents that people of different race and eithicty was being treated badly which links to the context of france at the time. During the covid pandemic and during that time france made a law allowing people of different eithicy allow into france unless they have good education. Whereas Mr prillgrini has power and is superiour which created good vs bad.
Assane can be see as overlooked and isn't treated the same as the prilligrini, during the aution secen when he 'brought' the neckless someone says 'someone like you' which could have be indicated towards his race. Assane can also be seen as someone who is well educated which links back to the context at the time.
lupin- history and culture
{I don't think i understood the question}
-history is shown through the museums and the paintings such as the mona Lisa.
French has a negative attitudes to immigration when compared with other western European countries. Assane overall portrayal as a criminal in his involment with the stealing of the neckless reinforces the historical misrepsresenation and marginalistion of this social group.
lupin- age
- We can see that older generation there is two different represented of age that is being represented for example that can be seen through Mr Prillgrini who is seen is negative and not a happy man. Whereas we can see a postive representation though older age in Babakar who looks to be happy, wise and is a gentleman which is a classic stereotype of old people.
- The younger generation is being represented by being careless which can be seen through Juliette who smokes near the pool and kissed Assane.
- The middle? generation such as Assasin is being represented as hard working and struggling for money.
Key representation- Lupin
They key representation shown in lupin are eithicyt and social class which can be shown through the characters like Mr babaker and Mr prillgrini and other characters for example the gangs.
social class has been shown through the use of Mise-en-scene. A establishing shot was used to show the setting the gangs lived, you can see that there are griffed on the walls this can be linked to social decay and lower class. Whereas, the prilligini family setting is more fancy and expressive which can be seen through the use of fuinerure and the library. This can create a binary opposition which is what levi-strauss talks about. Lower class vs upper class. Another way lower class is represented is the tattoos which is uses to cnnote people of lower class which is shown through the gang members along with wearing spot wear. Wheres, the upperclass are seen to be wearing nicer clothes that are formal, shown through mr prilligini who likes to wear suits.
killing Eve- context
bombing attack in manchester
The BBC faces can be expensive to produce. The BBC faces finanical challenges due to license fee. Killing Eve was important to BBC america.
The series was released in 8th April 2018 around the time of the #MeToo movement which is about sexual assault movement and abuse of women in workplaces. The show had a all female writing team and several female executive producers. Supreme court judge accused of sexual assault in public trail as he is chosen to run supreme court by trump. The show was produce during thr breixt years
Two Russian people were killed and one was a double agent they lived in soulbury and were killed by a chemical weapon, this was to kill the double agent that betrayed Russia this is represented in the text as when villanelle finds out that she has to kill someone the next day she isn't surprised by the news and that Russia is known for assassin. The gun voience was high in America.
Women was granted the right to drive in 2019 and have some freedom in saudi arabia. However men still control some of the womens right and are not equal.
Lupin: context
Class divison between the rich and the poor, crime is one of the number indications of social decay. Far right views and opinions
it was low budget due to it being relased during the covid-19 and the lockdown, but also because it based in another country which is a risk since it might've done badly.
The migrants law changing. They only let people who has a good education to enter frence and people who have successful business.
cultural: Relased in 2021 during the pandemic when home entertainment and streaming services were in demand due to the fact everyone was at home.
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