Friday 3rd November 2023 media language and representation
LO: to develop the language of media analysis.
it is a album cover
the genre is punk rock
the target audience is for teenagers 16-20s
the artist is representing expressive and being confidents.
This told me by her colourful clothing and her facial expression.
the denotes that are being shows is the white birds around the artist, the red and pink flowers, the typography is a serif. her facial expression seem loud, the anti stereotype of a woman.
connotation- elements that are arguable: elements that are personal to the viewer.
denotation- elements that are unarguable; the factual elements.
In this the two album covers the denotative elements are that both of the album cover is in black and white. Born this way its shows a picture of a bike and lady gaga, the typography is a san serif. The colour is a lot darker then the other one. The royalty album cover is lighter. There a male who is holding a little girl. the typography is a serif, he wearing a necklace, earing, watch and rings.
Thursday 9th November 2023. semiotics
LO: to understand the terminology and theory needed to analyse music video
The camera shot
the camera angles
the mise-en-scene- clothing, objects, lighting, setting
lighting- on their faces suggesting that that are either good or bad or both.
silent of the lambs:
close up on the face of the serial killer to show that he intimidating
close up on the female face when the serial killer is talking to her to show that she is intimidating by him by looking at her facial expression.
the over-shoulder shot of the conversations with a bit of a high angle shot of the girl to show that she isn't the powerful one and that she weak.
costume- her clothing looks elegant which could signal that she a caring and elegant person.
Friday 10th November 2023 Analysis
Lo: to practise using the terminology and theory needed to analyse music videos.
music video emmine-
the editing- editing to the beat of the music
more direct address- talking to the camera
the performance
the music
amplification where the narrative doesn't link with the lyrics.
music video conventions-
lighting- high key, bright
setting- studio, city
camera angles/movement- different camera angles and more unnatural, focuse on the artist/band.
the shape of water-
the lighting is dark and yet still light, its dark outside but the lighting is bright which shows she a nice person.
the objects are old which show this set from the past and the clothing.
the clocks shows orignsed and perfections
she mute shows by her sign language
her reaction to the tv and copy the movement after shows she innocent
the man apartment is filled with art and he isn't organised, the colour is warm, he not lonely
the lighting in the girl shows that she isolated and lonely.
The context of the song of just give me a reason by Pink is about the desire of holding onto a relationship even if that relationship is falling apart. some of the scene with pink and the featured person are away from each other which signal emontal distance in the relationship and the challage of communicating. The beds scene represents the more interment side and the feeling of longing as the artist lies their alone. The establish shot shows that vublinity and longing, but also shows the water. The water can be represented as the emontations of sadness. The lights on the ciling looks like stars and the frog surrounded the bed makes everything look like a dream.
Thursday 16th November 2023 Analysis
LO: to practise using the terminology and theory needed to analyse music videos.
represented as cheaters- man
woman and man are being seen as used- sexual objects, revealing clothing.
Inclusive of genders
representing lots of different sexuality, however the narrative is a straight couple, but the male is cheating.
very diverse however most of them is white- conversational for pop music.
the artists-
massive literal
done something different
the genre indie rock- They like to be different, subvert conventions
He is talking about the sociality in America and the guns violence, the increase- the normality in America.
The unequally between ethic people and white people.
(reference another media text)
greys, law and order SVU {?}
tron with the bikes
the matrix the trinity and the glasses
man in black
the office
spy films, action (fight scene)
Friday 17th November 2023 MUSIC VIDEO
LO: to research the set texts.
Heaven -Emeli Sande
genre- R&B
release date- 12 august 2011
summary of song meaning- Someone who wants to have good intentions, but the day lasts to long for that to happen. Tension between the desire to do the right thing and the near impossibility of resisting temptation.
description of what happened in the music video-
explanation of how video links to song-
description of how the artist has been represented-
Burn the witch- radiohead
genre- alternative/indie
release date- 3rd May 2016
summary of song meaning- criticism of authority and a warning against groupthink, expressing 'dread and skepticism'
description of what happened in the music video- showing the town, show someone getting tied to a tree, a building getting burn down with someone in it,
explanation of how video links to song- The videos shows different parts that links to the song such as the red cross on the door that is shown in the video at the start, they all avoided eye contract when the building got burn down, the female tied up to the tree.
description of how the artist has been represented-
Thursday 23rd November 2023. Music video
LO: to explore the purpose, form and conventions of music videos.
Friday 24th November 2024
LO: to explore the use of media language and conventions in case study videos.
Emeli Sande is a singer-songwriter from Scotland. Heaven was her first debut solo single which was released in 2011. Born in Sunderland in north east of england. The family moved when she was four.
"we wanted to capture a real British vibe and keep it really simple to emphasis the lyrics" Said Sande. Filmed in Bethnal Green (east London) which was where she lived at the time. She described the song as being about youth is over too quickly and how young people are easily influenced by friends, family and the media. The song debated whether these influences are good or bad. includes several motifs which recur throughout. Including religious.
Old camera with black spots, a different perspective with different lighting, visual estetic that was cool back at that time. Film has a shelf life and the idea that we don't have a lot of time to our life.
The artist is alone most of the frame blocking, she isolated herself from the world expect from the end with the guy who she walked away from.
She wearing a dress that looks similar to what a priest would wear, usually pop artist wears bright colours, however she didn't which is going against the conventions. She also wearing a saint Christopher necklace around her neck to keep her safe.
The girl who is walking down is wearing a red dress, that red dress can be a sign of danger, lust and the devil. She walks into the darkness. The extreme close up on the artist eyes shows she looking at something and then the guy appeared in a tunnel, she looking at him like she about to go into the tunnel because of temptation, but she turns away and doesn't go into the darkness, but was thinking about it.
The religious iconography is used by her wearing a dresses that looks like a priest, a saint Christopher necklace that is around her neck, the angle, the wings of the guy back and on the wall with the teenage girl, the cross necklace, looking up at the sky. There are many things that are show. I think the reason that could be is to show that you can be good even when you have done bad things, that its okay to have feelings of giving into the temptation but that there always goodness and a right thing to do instead.
When the girl in the red dress walk into the darkness is creating a binary oppositions. There is darkness and light, she was in the light and went into the dark. This is creating a meaning of good and bad because when she was in the light she was good however the red dress can be a sign of dangers and lust which links to the when she walks into the darkness.
intertextuality- street life with the homeless people, drug dealer with the guy under the bridge, the realigns, shown with the necklace, the cross, the angle, the sky, the wings of the male back.
main theme/ideas- Emeli sande was trying to portray how it can be easy for the younger people to be tempted to do things because of different influencers such as friends, family and the media. Showing that even herself can be tempted to fall onto the bad side. That can be seen with her looking at the tunel though the window, the man under the tunel, the handing of the lighter.
artist portrayal- she seems to be mostly isolated from the word and the people this can be seen because the frame always just have her and no one else up until the end. She also seems to be portrayed as religions wanting to fall into her darkest desires and temptations. But however its like she telling a story of the outsiders as we see different cuts of people such as the girl in the red dress, the homeless man and others. She telling the story of the outsiders doing bad things that they can't help it.
Thursday 30th November 2023.
Lo: to explore the context and representation in the list A video
The camera angles are always tilted and its eye level for the non artists, we might relate with some of the struggles in life and since they are mainly looking at the camera its more direct but for her its alway low angle and rarely eye level to show her power which shows her status. angelic or fallen angle, her clothing is black, religious, high-key lighting on the artist, her head is always to the side whereas the others are staring into the camera. she different and unique.
Thursday 7th December 2023 Burn the witch
where was it filmed and who directed it?
-directed by Chris hopewell
-studio jack
what is the messaged/meaning of the lyrics?
burn the witch: what was going on in Britain in 2015/2016?
-2016 in the UK was dominated by UK vote to leave the European union and the subsequent political fallout
-2015 the conservatives won the Uk general election 7th May
the lyrics where written in the 2000s references a campaign by the new of the world newspaper to publish the names and address of sex offenders. The video has been interpreted in several different ways;
-a criticism of authority and a warning against group thinking
-an attack on the rhetoric of 'traditional' calues used by right wing politics such as Donal trump, Marine Le pen, and members of the uk independence party.
-hanging/gallows, cross on the door to burn, rituals/witches, poison
The stop motion narrative video is in the style of the 60s trumpton children Tv series and tells the story of an idyllic village community who takes inn and attempt to sacrifice an outsiders.
wicker-man in the film its a policeman that investigate and gets burn alive, in the music video it look like an inspector not a policeman
how media lang connotes the theme of persecution: we see it throughout the music video, for example the building and it getting burn down, people who are being preseution are the immigrates that weren't from Britain and creating fear
how MES is used to establish of normality and tradition: through the traditional houses, when they are waving to the inspector when the tower is getting burn down like it was normal for them.
how rural life is depicted: simple and dressing
goes against code and conventions
no performance, bright saturated colours, no rock, dark
narrative struture, easier to understand, also the begging/middle/end is very traditional
Friday 8th December 2023. Burn the witch
Lo: to explore the use of ideologies and intertextuality.
At the start of the music video theres a traditional community villages
ideologies and viewpoints
The juxthapoition of the inspector in the car with villagers doing their jobs sugests a possible distrust of external authority {although the major is the authority who is in charge}
The distribution of jobs in the villages seems to conform very much to essentinalist gender roles
rural brititness. traditional band, the festival, the short of the apparent maypole
the name of the inn {the speared boae} is possibly a reference is the 1954 book of lord of the files by willam golding which postulates the beliefs that everyone is capable of gates evil given the right circumstance the video plays with this idea
the mayor pride in the various gruesome contrasting with the offical shock given that the song appears to be frm the POV of those enforcing the rules there may be some discussion about how audience sympathies are being directed.
the juxtaposition of the flowers and the gallows so it must be okay
the ironic pull back of them waving and smiling while tehy are burning him and then him escaping in the end which could suggest that is a change.
The wicker man- the police officers inspected the town, the sword dancing around the girl,
lord of the files- name of the inn/pub
trumpton and camberwick green tv series- children series in the 70s
hot fuzz- the model villages, appearing over the gate
news reports of immigrant farm workers-
nazi propaganda films-
bired chipping represents freedom, happiness, peacefulness
Jobe from the bible he is the guy who scarifies his son to god
apples are a sign of temptation
Explain how and why music video uses intertextuality effectively:
In burn the witch music video they uses many intertextuality effectively one of those are the trumpton and camberwicj green tv series which is a children tv series in the 70s. In the burn the witch music video you can see that they have the same style animation, some of the characters are from the series and represented the community values, also to look innocent and to give nostalgia. The audience might recognised the style of the music and feel nostalgia. At the start of the music video its seem normal and very traditional villages with a nice community that is shown with the houses, working together, its seem innocent and normal, even with the bird chippering at the begginging before the music start, the bird represented peacefulness, happiness and freedom.
Another intertextuality reference in the music video is the wicker man. The wicker man is a British horror that came out in the 70s. In the wicker man its a police man inspecting the town, whereas in the burn the witch music video its looks more like a inspector who is looking around the villages. In the wicker man the police officers ends up being sacfiies at the end in a tower which the music took inspration from because at the end of the video the inspector is being sacrifes in the tower. Another is when people with swords dances around the girl.
Thursday 14th December 2023
Lo: to analyse the use of media language in case study videos
denoted imagery:
-The pub with the speared bear
-the tomatoes/apples
connotation-why did the producer do it:
-the intertextual links with the lord of the flies which is a novel by William golding, its about a group of British boys who are stranded on an uninhabited island and their disastrous attempts to govern themselves show the darker side of humanity
hedonism- doing things because it feels good
xenophobia- fear and hatred of strangers and foreigners
hedonism: they are going against it
authoritarianism: use this with the tomatatos
radiohead: their message is more important then their image.
How does it use traditionally positive stereotype to show xenophobia?
In the burn the witch music video it uses traditionally positive stereotype to show xenophobia that is shown through the mise-en-scene the leader of the village is wearing something very traditional and people around the villages are also wearing something traditional.
Thursday 18th January 2024. Advertising
The facial expression
The colour red- lust
The black dress
the perfume
the words 'hypertic poison'
advertising traditionally used this approach to hook audience attention in adverting
The dress looks like it made out of milk which gets the audience attention, usualness because cows usually on the milk. the colour pattent blue and white.
The interest would be the text.
taget at women but for the male gaze, the desire is to make them want to look like the attentive women's
The layout is a close up short of the person with the long shot of the produce in the concer. He is the main fouces and he in the center.
The typography that has be used is a san-serif, it also bold and in black and white. On his face the typography is a black serif. All in captials which shows the taget audience which is male and also to be direct.
The language that has been used is very prestive and direct. they used a direct address. 'you'. 'precision' show they are better.
the imagery/mise en scene, the male is wearing a black leather jacket to show he masclinity and he tough and his facial expression is serious, good cheek bones, be accept into group.
the colour is dark. it is black and dark blue with the white. The proudent on the other hand has a lighter colour which is orange for it to stand out. The masculinity, the dark colours make him stand out.
Friday 19th January 2024 advertising
LO: to explore techniques for analysing adverts effectively.
analysis structure-
there are two things we can use to help us structure out analysis
macro to micro
PEEL paragraphing
It is advertising lynx. The overall message for this is that lynx has an effect. That is shown with the san-seirf typography text 'the lynx effect' The close up of the male shows his facial expression which is happy and like he looks pleased, he also have a knowing look. That shows the message of the lynx effect. The colour is natural.
Thursday 25th January. Dirt
Lo: To reflect and improve on analytical structure and content.
The edited golden eyes are looking up and directly into the camera.She looks very serious and tense by her facial expression, she has her eyebrows raised. All these are struggested as mystery and possibly danger. All of these are connected to the san-serif text. 'hypnotic poison' Poison connotes death and danger. The perfume is like poison. Not only does the word poison being shown through the eyes and facial expression, but also through the colour platte, which is red and black.
A mid close up on the man who has dirt over his face and clothes. The images is black and white, the text looks like is hand made and its is a san-serif and white. The brand name in the top right concer stands out from the images because its a bright red. The man hair is messy and his facial expression is looks as though he looks like he was in pain and now realif.
Friday 26th January 2024. Representation
LO: to explore how representation are constructed
The representation of gender that is shown is that the long short women is barely wearing anything which links to what the products is which is body butter. She is a young women who looks to be in her mids 20s, this could link back to the product and the advertising of the brand because young women would most likely used the product and having a young pretty women as the image will grab the target audience attention.
the representation of gender is shown through the male, he looks like he in his early-mids 20s. He shows a good representation of males as he looks strong in body and spirit.
The representation in this a the mid closeup short of the middle age male.
Dove- beautifully real mums
river island-
Thursday 1st February 2024. Analysis and context
LO: to analyse context and media language in the dove adverts
Dove Notes:
sells the products through an awareness.
river island notes:
showing people with disability and race
shelter notes:
awareness advert not selling.
dove context and brand:
overview of brand/organisation-
beauty products such as for hair and skincare.
brand image and values-
Cares about female identity, and non binary people, they want to help build a positive self-esteem.
previous advertisement campaigns-
real beauty campaign.
star vechiels: rep and values-
advertising campaign context-
social context-
riots happens in London in 2011
river island:
overview of brand/organisation-
"make fashion for real people with real lives, who want to look real good. Because lifes a celebration - lets dress for it" The overview brand is clothing.
brand image and values-
previous advertisement campaigns-
star vechiels: rep and values-
campaign for real beauty in 2004
about embracing and celebrating differences, the aim was to empower women and make them feel confidents.
campaige objective:
Sell the brand to the mothers
to empower mothers
unite women in parenthood
to enable real people to see themselves represented in advertisment
to challenge seemly perfect images and picture perfect.
shot type- The shot type is a wide mid shot with a mother who is trying to deal with her children, you can see the mess on the side and in the background the fridge is open. You can see the people facial expression. This links to the slogan 'real life. Real beauty' This is showing the message of what real life looks like for a mother, but also the beauty in it. It shows that its normal for this to happen and thats it real life. Everything that is in focus is a deep focue this help to place where they are and are trying not to hide anything.
slogan- 'real life. Real beauty' Links in with the messy children and even through parenthood is hard its show the reality of it and that its real beauty. Its a repetition with the word 'real'
typeface- Its a white san-serif font for the slogan and hashtag, they used it because its more moden and the logo is script font like its handwritten. The finer san-serif makes it more femininity, it used because its bolder and gets straight to the point. Its more direct.
costume- Comfortable clothing which links to motherhood, shows she to busy with children that she cant dress up a bit which links to the slogan 'real life. real beauty' the mother not being dressed up and wearing simple comfortable clothes shows the real life of a mother. The girl hairs is messy and shows she hasn't had time to do it and the mother is face free from makeup which shows the realism of life. There is no style at all.
hashtag- '#BeautifullyRealMums' links to the slogan and the campaign that is giving awareness which is a good technique to sell the produce. Its meant to encourages people and make them spread the massage. Direct towards millenons
lifestyle- showing that life is not easy for a mother and its a hard job to do. This is being shown with the boy who throwing food into the air, the mother has a shocked expression and trying to tell me while while holding another child. The lifestyle of a mother is differecuit to deal with and its the reality of it. This can make the target audience relate to this and make them feel not alone, thats it okay to struggle. Thats nothing is going to be completely perfect. Challenges the other adverts because its not luxurious, its subvert genre convention.
logo- The logo is next to the slogan which is in the top left, its is small which meaning it not standing out therefore they want the images to be the main attention. Since the brand is very recognisable, they dont need to add the product and just needed to add the logo.
location- In the kitchen which would appeal to the target audience because usually other adverts would be placed in a studio or another location, however the location being in the kitchen will appeal to the target audience because its retable.
colour palette- lowkey lighting, the colours is dark. The mum is wearing a bright orange shirt which could link with the hashtag #BeautifulReaMoms. The main forces is on her and the life a motherhood. The background is dark which showing that the mess, children and mum is the most important. the colours are very saturated to make the bright colours pop out and stand out from the dark colours.
beauty appeal- celebrating natural beauty shows with the mum who has no makeup
persuasive language-
Who/what is being represented:
class- In middle class that could see in the kitchen because the decor looks nice, fancy and moden.
Age- She looks like she could be in her early/mids 30s.
Gender- she a female
ethnicity- Asian family
sexuality- straight
real motherhood being represented and even the family life, a challenge in the adverting world.
Is the representation positive or negative:
The representation is positive because it showing the reality of being a mum and that is spreading awareness and help other mums to know that they aren't alone. Its looks negative at first but once you look at it closely you realised its actually positive
Are stereotype used:
Represents the mother is the prime care giver, no father in the image. Refoce and challenge the stereotype. The representation of the children reignfoce that the girls just gets along with it whereas the boys are being trouble. Women are still the main care giver.
The class is middle class the firge is filled and the cupbords are nice and moden.
Asian tends to be underrepresented and this celebrate muitcultlism.
How is media language use to construct the representation:
Ideologies and values
Consumerism- The fridge is fulled, an advert thats is trying to sell
Celebrity cultures- Isnt any and challenges the dominate celebrity culture online
Feminism- shows positive representation
Muliticultureism- Asian community which are underrepresented
It come out in 2017
The stereotypical mother at that time were at home and didn't have to work, glamourised, happy all the time,
This associate with the millennials because its their generation of motherhood and were the first generation of digital which means they had technology. Most millennials were pressured to be prefect.
On the social context side men are barely shown in the ads and even if there were the female is still the primary focused on the advert and it shows that the single parent lifestyle is far more norm then what is shown. Mothers are still the primary care giver thats why they are the main focused in the ads.
Friday 9th February 2024. Analysed and context
LO: to analysed context and media language in the river island advert
The 'Labels for clothes' compage is a diverse campaign that feature people of varying ages, gender, ethnicity
There aim is to challenge social and globe stereotypes.
campaign objective
challenge oustated stereotype
to promote industry and diversity
to celebrat individuality and not defined
shot type- The shot type is a midiume long shot type. They used this shot type because they wanted to show him in the wheelchair and show that they are a diverse advert. A wheelchair is smooth which links to the slogan 'smooth moves only' They also wanted to show the clothes he wearing.
slogan- The slogan is 'smooths moves only' which links to the man in the wheelchair. The word 'smooth' can also link to the clothes and also links to the wheelchair because the wheelchairs moves smoothly. Its effective.
typeface- The typeface is a bold san-serif. They used this because a bold san-serif font is more morden and its smooth, it trying to get the advert out there.
custome- He probably were clothes from the brand to help promote to the advert. he wearing something silk, smooth and casual. Which links to the slogan. Fashion has no distration and people with disablitys and others can look good and smooth.
hashtag- 'Labels are for clothes' Links to the brand and people who posts on social media can use the hashtag and it shares the message of how diversed the advert it.
lifestyle- casual, and the clothes are forever no matter who you are
logo- river island, the name of the logo is small and dont even need it because its well known. The logo design looks like an R and connecting to the I which links to river island.
location- in a studio with a dark red background which makes the clothes stand out.
product- clothes that he is wearing
anachorage- 'smooth moves only'
composition and layout- The logo is at the bottom since thats the last thing you see.
colour palette- the background is red which links to romance, the gold jacket links to luxurious,
beauty appeal- natural beauty and positive representation of his disability. He also good looking guy and his facia expression shows he looks happy and kind.
persuasive language- He looking directing into the camera which is a direct adress.
Who/what is being represented
A disabled french man in a wheelchair.
Is the representation positive or negative
The representation of this is positive because its showing that fashion is for everyone and that people with disablities aren't weak and that they are stronge. The guy used to be an athic
Are stereotype used
The avert is showing stereotype of a french guy, that is shown with the red background, the colour red links to romance and love, a french guy is known to be a romantic person. The jacket could link to the stereotype because the golden colour links to luxurious and french people are known to be luxurious people. However disablted people are underrepresented and sometimes as comedy characters and weak. The brand is goble brand.
How is media language used to construct the representation?
Thursday 22nd February 2024. analysis and context
consumerism- selling clothes
celebrity culture- model
ableism- using him to taget the audience
individualism- they are all different
multiculturalism- different ethnic's
2018. They were not celebrity's and they weren't mainstream. society had envole and more diverse in all areas. Millennials were the first genration to grow up with digital device. increased in blogs and social media account which challenge the pressure of how you dont have to look prefect.
shelter- context and analysis
Lo: to analysis context and codes and conventions in the shelter ad.
emanational- this child, child name
what can you do- empower
close up shot- direct address
destated colours- wash out colours
contact details
change a child- a command
constructed meaning-
message about suffering closer to home
taget audience-
people who have houses and are struggling and are in fear of losing their home. People who are not homeless.
difference between charity adverts and commercial:
The different between a charity advert and a commercial advert is that they both have different motive. With a charity advert they are trying to spread awareness to try and help the people who they are tageting whereas with a commercial advert they are trying to sell something. The use of media language in the charity advert is that the image is usually a close up short of a child which is using direct address because their eyes looks like it staring at you which is trying to persuade you. The colours is desaturated to make it look washout. The text are not subtle and there more writing. Whereas a commercial advert is more subtle and the image tend to fit with the thing they are trying to sell. The colours are more saturated compare to a charity advert. There are less texts and less persive language.
media language:
shot type- A big close up shot this is because they want to make it a direct address and so show there serious expression. This links with the prestive language and the slogan. To show the eyes which is like staring directly into your soul and close promxity. They want us to read the expression to make us feel empathy.
slogan- 'we can help' They used the 'we' is to make it consultive and make us feel like its a group thing.
typeface- Block bold san serif font. want to make it noticeable and to make it stand out so it can spread awareness, easy to read. Big text to impact and show the impacts of the homelessness.
text- Direct address to make the audience feel like they are talking to them with the uses of 'your' or 'you'. This is also to make the audience feel connected to them and want to try and help in someway.
lifestyle- people who are struggling to keep their houses and jobs, people who are poor and in need of some help.
logo- In the bottom right concer, its the last thing you see, the design of the H looks like a house.
anchorage- The big red text is the main anchorage and the second anchorage is the white text
composition and layout- The website in the bottom left, to encourage to look at the website, to donate, a search bar, telling what to look for and its target audience which is millions
colour palette- desatutured, the colours are dull and sad. Red and black, the connotation is that red is danger and black is conation of red and misery. red also connotes awareness and importance.
persuasive language- direct address use of 'we' requcalitcal question. We, You and I, personalise it and help to put yourself into their positions. This can happen to anyone.
genre conventions of charity ads- direct address, contact information, destatured colour platte.
Friday 23rd February Representation
Lo to analysis representation and ideologies in the shelter ad
who/what is being represented?
Three different people who are struggling to keep their houses who are at risk of being homeless.
is the representation positive or negative?
Negative representation because its a sad situation and you feel sorry for them, however positive because it show they can hope and find help. Challenge the stereotype of the representation of stereotype.
are stereotype used?
No stereotypes are used because they look well part together just sad and tired, they don't appear to look dirty or anything, however in charity advert the big close shot is stereotypical because they want to make the audience feel empathy as they stare into your soul.
how is media language used to construct the representation?
The use of the direct address and the big close up shot. It it being used to make you feel sorry for them and the direct address is shown because of how the big close up shot is focused on the eyes, this is to make you feel like they are speaking to you and to feel connected.
Values and ideology:
social duty- social liberal view, and reforce the ideas of the duty and how we have a sutry of care
social inequality-
stereotypes- Charity advert tend to make homelessness extreme and its give a bad representation which is the stereotype. However in the shelter advert, its not extreme and it show that they can have hope and can the advert offers help and where to find it. misrepresented. The stereotype is tend to be a white males, they offered look messy and are caused by addiction and are choosing not to work. This challenge the stereotype by three different people with different reason, it more relatable and it can happen to anyone.
individualism- reforces the individualism that anyone who have less then other can make their situation better.
Thursday 29th February Exam format
Lo: to analyse representation and media language in similar adverts.
analyse media language or representation
two question = 10 marks and 15 marks
Can be asked to be compared one with a similar unseen advert
Friday 1st march 2024. Exam structure LO: To structure effective exam response
The use of the colour palette dark blue is connotes the stereotype of males and the domance.
The representation that is being shown is a black female who is in an anti violence charity advert, the advert is spreading awareness and saying this can happen to any females. female of different race or ethnicity is unrepresented in the advert. The writing on the female face can suggested that its more personal.
Using an adult female could suggest this could have happened when she was younger and have to live with it for the rest of her life, she is also a singer and actress. The victim are being represented and suvivers, not the dominate social groups. Underrepresented are people who has disability. white people are represented but they don't tend to happen to girls, people of different race, religion and culture could mean your more at risk.
3-4 paragraph
Thursday 7th March 2024
Analyse how the Simon on the streets advertisment {source C} conveys values, attitudes and beliefs about homelessness.
Your answer you must:
- Consider how media representation convey values, attitudes and beliefs in source C
- Make judgments and reach conclusions on how audiences may respond to and interpret these media representations.
The representation that is used to convey values, attitudes and beliefs about homelessness in the Simon on the streets advert are shown through the media language.
We can see this through the mid long shot of the QR code. The use of the mid shot is to show the blankets, the bag and empty water bottle along with the cardboard that has the QR code and the wet ground which can be linked homelessness because a homeless person life isn't nice and its sad this can also be linked with the emotive language, its a pathetic fallacy. The wet ground signal its be raining and that can be reflected on a homeless person. These things are assonated with a homeless person and the use of the QR code symbolises an anonymous homeless person. This is to get people to use the QR code to help the homelessness instead of giving money. People are scared to give money to the homeless because they fear that their money will be used for alcohol and drugs. 'We provided a much more effective way to give' The use of lexis Indicates that the QR code is a much more effective way in helping the homeless instead of giving money, the QR code links to a justgiving page. Also the QR code could make people wonder what is it for and where it can take them.
Another example is the use of different street locations which contextualised the advert in terms of representation of homelessness. In the long shot, you can see a man standing there looking at the cardboard, another long shot of a male with his phone out like he is scanning the QR code. This links to the text as they say 'We enable the public to donate directly to Simon on the streets. ' This is to make people aware that there is other ways in helping out the homelessness by donating to a the charity. The colour pattele is dark and gloomy, which links to homelessness since its not a lovely life and its sad.
We can see the attitudes and beliefs by the use of the typography and lexis. This is shown with the use of emotive language to engage the audience is which can be seen in the text box used in the advert. The use of the typography is a san-serif font, they used this because its simple and trying shows they are being calm in the words and not being direct like some others charity advert are while still talking about a serious topic but also because the typography is more mordon and unstandable to read and to show its a moden time issues and is still an issues til this day. 'linking directly to a justgiving page' This is informing the audience of where the QR takes them, the use of 'directly' is trying to persuade the audience to scan the code, since its quick and easy to do. They used the repeated word directly at the start of the text. The use of the language 'worry' can be assonated with the public because they are scared that the money will be used for something else and having the information and the lexis forming on how to donate to the charity give them a peace of mind and make them want to donate to the justgiving page.
In conclusion the audience are most likely to engage in the advert.
Friday 8th March 2024. The big issue
Lo: To research institutions and ideologies behind case study product.
typography- It is depending on the genre of the magazine
Mode of address and register-
shot type and angle- Low angle
colour palette-
composition and layout-
- 1991 sold on street
- very diverse- wide variety on gender, age and race.
- To offer homeless people or individuals at risk of homelessness, the opportunity to earn a legitimate income, thereby helping them to reintegrate into mainstream society.
- strong social and political themes as well as entertainment coverage, creating a mix of heavy and light topic
- vendor sell it for £2 and sell it to the costumers for £4
- The aim was to transform London homeless, spread all around the uk and now international
- social enterprise
- none profit
- covid made it had to change, TBI can now now be brought in some retailers and online through
- now have bar codes
Thursday 14th March 2024
-educated, interested in politices, high and popular culture
-Have a limited disposable income
-be socially conscious
young at heart, educated and loyal, slightly more women then men, 60% of their readers are between 18-49
ideologies and values:
-sociallist aware
-mental health
-popular culture and high culture
-bands, music
-section on culture
-educated yourself and understand the different culture, value being inform, they value diversity and people
-helping people
-ranges many thing, dives, gender, sexuality, ethicnity and topics,
-relblious, standing up for what right, speaking out and protest.
Friday 15th March 2024. Cover Analysis
Lo: to analyse big issue covers effectively
starter task:
-In a normal magazine the masthead head is together but The Big Issues is split. The masthead is suggest that the image is the main big issues.
-The cover line is at the top whereas the cover line are on the side.
-The coverline are smaller
-one central image is typical
-illustrator cover is not usual in magazine cover, its cheaper
-puffs can be different shape and usually there for a reason
-The use of colour is more important
-typography there coverline change depands on the theme,
Effective analyse: Mode of address
Mode of address simply means how the text speak to the audience and involes them; it also refers how a text influence audience.
-direct mode of address

The layout of the Big Issue magazine is different from most magazine since the masthead is split into two. The Big is at the top and the issues is down at the bottom and it is also trapped in between the image which can suggest that the context of the image is the Big Issue. The cover line is at the top which can be linked to the image being the main forces of the big issue. The representation that is shown is a disabled women in the center of the cover, she is being represented as a confident which is shown by her body language. Her her tiled up, but she staring down which can suggest that she has confident and that she can do things. This challenge the stereotype of disable people. The social and political context with the 'present the human stories of bloody Sunday' Cover line at the top right can show that they are going to mention stories from the past, which can be appealing to the audience because they might want to be educate in the past and history of this. The tone of the typography is bold which can link to confident and wanting to get their massage across which can be linked to the image and the use of lexis can be educational to the audience.
Thursday 21st March 2024. The big issues- Constructing meaning
Lo: to analyse the use of interexuallity and multiple meaning
starter task:
The theme and message of the main message?
-The main message and theme is about having a war inside their head and lives. Mental health and about those who came back from war
-That can be shown through the main image and the text. 'Still at war', 'back home'
-The primemister
-Trump being the ghost
-big ben, the whitehouse and the clock tower in the background
The intertextual references shows the 2016 version ghost busters where it with the females, they show four female who went against Trump who is represented as the ghosts because he is the bad guy. The females that are shown are Taylor swift, Teresa May, Hillary Clinton and Serena. Who all stood up against him and shared their views on Trump. Terasa May being the primemister which can be linked to Big ben and the london tower in the background and then we have the Whitehouse which can be linked to the person who went up against Trump, Hillary who works for the policies. We have Serena who is a tennis player which can be shown through her holding a tennis rack, she had went against him in a tennis match which brought the public to a shocked and lastly Taylor swift the very well known singer and song writer is known to speak up. The reason trump is represented as the slimer because he not scary, but because he funny and not taken seriously.
Friday 22nd March 2024 Representation
LO: To analyse in the representation and ideologies constructed.
-Black masthead because it connote the serious of the top and because when royalty die people wear black for represent.
-The pink background is in contrast of the black and the fouce is on the queen death, the femmenlity and sign of repesect, it also means love and kindest and the queen was loved by the public.
-The photo was chosen to show the change of royalty that is shown where they were ahead to head and show, its like the end of the one and the start of the new, they both have different opinions, and the heads on the coins
-the black background links with the masthead, also to show the divided in both royalty and to make the queen and king stand out.
-They both are being represented as looking more human, the queen face looked more soft then usual with a slight smile on her face, while the king has a smile on his face, Charles is brighter then the queen which empathise he now in charge and change of royalty, whereas the queen is more faded out which says she no longer here and has passed away.
-The coverline 'bright, green way ahead' reference to his ideas on climate change.
-The two colours, the blue represented that they are in power and are divided, the facial expression links to the background as Rishi is happy he in power and he does not look serious, he looks goofy whereas the other guy is serious and taking the job seriously, they are represented very differently in the two images.
-The heads could suggest that they think right and also to show it, make you pay attention to them, also to show ego and are both being criticised
-The vendor standing in the middle looking normal, he using his landyard as a card and holding up to Rishi.
-A cross between a carry on film can be linked to the heads and being funny, but also the titainc can be suggested as them sinking and ending terribly.
Three things that would appeal to the target audience:
-The big oil gamble he had plan to ban petrol cars, get rid of the requirement for landlords, the used of the bins be setting on fire and the petrol can represents that he wants to change the ways and banned it, this could appeal to the audience because they might be interested in why
-The HS2 train
Thursday 18th April 2024. Media language and representation exam question
LO: To explore the exam question and how to structure excellent responses.
Big answer- anti stereotypical of homelessness, the man looks clean and happy which goes against, different race and ethnicity,
positioning the audience- what opinion they support
Policity- left wing
homeless people: dirty, messy clothes, old man: stereotype
feeling worthless and helpless
tidy, clean, he happy, enjoying his time with his dog 'bond' and 'love', face showing loving emotion. Make the audience feel relate with having a pet and empathise with that bond. Urban background which shows the realism and reality of homelessness. The dog looks happy and clean, he also has a colar.
companinons- postive, friends?
frankie- jocky
adele- singer
globe pooclite
mainstream topic, different topics- They like to learn and are interested, dont expect to know who the people are, educated aware and socially aware
LEARN IT!!!!!!!!!!!
The big issues is trying to position the audience to make them feel for the homelessness and make them have a connection to them. The big issues is about speading positive viewpoints and showing anti-stereotypes about the homeless people which is challenging the homelessness in the media.
Friday 19th April 2024. media language & representation exam question
Lo: to explore the exam question and how to structure excellent responses.
1. The big issues is very effective, the primely methord for selling the magazine was vendors selling the big issues on the streets, they changed to to selling it online during covid because of lockdown and not be able to go outside, and also selling it in shops which makes the selling bigger. The main goal for the big issues is to help homelessness and getting them a job by selling the big issues magazine. It was important to create a releaship with the vendor so they will come back to the vendor over and over again to buy the magazine.
2. The shelter campaign compares to traditional, stereotypical representation of homelessness is shown through values and viewpoints
3. Artist like radiohead might choose not to appear in their own music video because they don't want to take away the main forcuse of the actual meaning of the music video such as in the burn of the witch, which has a certain meaning but also a specific style in the music video that they don't want to take away.
part 2: media terms-
postmodern- burn the witch movement where it draws attention
value transference
burn the witch uses intersexuality of the wicker man and others different media text such as trumpton which can be suggested to the band viewpoints towards the issues.
Analyse how effective is the use of intertextuality in the river island and nike advert. in your answer you must:
- analyse the use of intertextuality in the two adverts
- Make judgements and reach conclusions on the effectiveness of their use of intertextuality
[15 marks]
Nike: equality, change sports and story oof individuals 'They' and 'boys' Easy notice its nike just by the logo design
River island: Change and equality, brand easily noticeable
The intertextuality that is used in both river island and the nike ad is effective, however the river island one has more intertextuality then the nike ad does. They both have similar ideology and are both showing equality but the river island advert is aiming more of to change the stereotype.
In both of the advert they both used a person of sports, In the river island ad it shows a man in a wheelchair, Jordan Luce who is a baskeball player. You can see that by looking at the long mid shot he in a wheelchair, but if you focus onto his facial expression you can see he is happy and isn't effected by his disability. This makes it different to the Nike ad as you can see from the wide shot of english football player Marcus Rashford he is playing perfectly fine and has no disability which is the stereotype of someone who plays sports whereas the river island ad goes against that stereotype and is showing more equality by using him as the main fouces.
Another way that intertextuality can be shown is through the background colour of the river island ad, the background colour is red which connotes the meaning of love and passion which links with Jorden Luce who is a french baskball player this can go and link with the equality and change.
Monday 27th January 2025
Paper one: section B
- Q5: 10 mark {17 minutes}
- Q6: 15 mark {25 minutes}
Question 5- explain question show your knowledge and understanding of media langage and representation
Question 6- needs a clear judgement and conclusion
ReplyDeleteGood notes and some interesting analysis. Make sure you're using as accurate terminology as possible
Good notes
ReplyDeleteSome great notes and insights. Well done. Make sure you link anything you notice to the meaning or an effect.
Good - great ideas on intertextuality - make sure you link these to the CONTEXT.
You have missed some lessons - catch up using my blog if possible.
A good start but you need to make sure you are linking the techniques used to the message in the advert. The second lesson is incomplete.
ReplyDeleteWWW: you've used clear and specific examples from the text to back up your ideas
EBI: try starting off with a summary of the values, attitudes and beliefs that are shown and then deal with each one separately. This should help you to order your thoughts from the start.
Good - although I think you might have missed some so please check my blog to catch up.