Friday 8th November 2024 Snow white & the seven dwarfs
Lo: to explore the set text.
Horizontal integration- buy other companies produced film and other industries, same level.
vertical integration- owns different business in the same chain of production and distribution, different level of chain of value.
Warner, universal, paramount and Colombia and disney are the big 5 and are some of the oldest and most well known film studios in the united state.
Early cinema:
-motion picture camera
-luminere air bother- developed the camera cimngraphy camera
-birth of the nation- the context and editing was a massive thing
-orchestra for the sound or a narrator.
-late 20s synoised sound
-1930s cinema became a major form of entertainment.
1930s hollywood:
-warner bros- jazz singer,
-MGM- wizard of the oz, colour
-unverisal- franksen
-different personality themes
-film regulation
-about vertical integration
- high production value
-lack of diversity, lack of opportitions for actors and film makers.
Monday 18th November 2024 SNOW WHITE
LO: To explore the context and influenced in the 1930s
main characters-
snow white,
the evil queen,
the seven dwarfs- doc, sleepy, dopey, grumpy, bashful, sneezy, happy
prince charming
themes- love, friendship, family
gender- the male is represented as the hero? female is represented as stereotypical with the beauty
FACTS: making of the movie
marchdes go with the movie open day
first feature soundtrack
first full length animated film ever
took 3 years complete
based on grim but changed the storyline for children and modern view
used a multi plane camera
walt disney heavily involved in the production
premiered December 21 1937 {people be off school}
today its a classic in both animated and in films.
influenced was the orignal fairy tale the grimme fairy tale, good vs evil, power of love and friendship. change it for a modern audience
classical belle
eupeon animated
Friday 22nd November 2024. German expressionism
code and convention/link:
the cabinet of Dr caligari with the use of the mise-en-scene, the dramatic. Exaggerated and distorted mise-en-scene.
-influenced on the style of snow white
-unsettling approached to art and film
-the evil queen design draws heavily on the visual vocalaybe of german expressionism, with the shape angles and dark contrast
-The forest scene
Technology and techniques:
-colours in labourty
-multi plane camera {movement}
-water colour for backgrounds
-hand drawn
-draws in clear paper thing
-photograph with master camera
-technician use to make sound effect
-orchestra use for the music
innocence and wholesomeness- When snow white and the seven dawfr are dancing and singing, when snow white sings with the animals
The american mid west
-Walt Disney had a significant impact on themes and values. many of his films, portray an idealised, all American vision of innocence and wholesomeness.
-Deep appreciation for family, community and hard work and these values are often reflected in his films. Characters such as snow white and cinderella are portrayed as virtous and hardworking and films often emphasise the importance of family and community bonds.
-Disney films features a nostalgic view of rural America. This vision of America was popular with the audience during 1930-1940s, when people were seeking an escape from the hardships of the great depression and world war 2
-portrayal of America life was not without criticism. people aurged his films present a narrow and idealised view of American culture that does not reflect the diversity and complexities of real life.
Walt Disney:
-Known to be demanding and difficult, but has deep respect for the art of animation and a passion for creating entertaining and inspiring films.
-highly involved in the creative process and would often closely supervise his animation, giving them specific instruction and feedback on their work. Has described him as perfectionist, high standers.
-he was known for organising company events and outings such as picnics and holiday parties and he offered benefits such as profits-sharing and a company pension plan.
Disney encouraged employees to pursue their own creative interest and develop their skills outside of their assigned work. This led to the formation of the 'nine old men' a group of top of Disney animators who were given the freedom to explore new techniques and style in their work.
What influenced the production of snow white and the seven Dwarfs?
snow white was inspired by a book by the grimm brothers that has themes of good vs evil, power of love, friendship and family, they changed it to a more modern audience and made it more innocent and wholesome. European folklore was also used as an inspiration either from others european animation and or from the traditional ballet and orpears.
Walt Disney deretermation to make snow white was what made snow white the first long length animation movie which became successful in animation and film and til this day its still a classic.
German expressionism also had a role with the influenced of snow white since German expressionism is emphasised the artist inner feeling. German expressionism also using exaggerated and distorted use of mise-en-scene. This links to snow white with the running scene in the dark forest which links to the use of exaggeration which made the forest looks like it comes alive and its dark and scary.
They used water colour paints for the background of snow white and they used different techniques such as the rotoscoping which is an animation techniques that animator use to trace over motion pictures footages. Another of the technical during the production of snow white was the multiplane camera it was a method that created the appearance of depth in animation.The camera was completed and was tested in a silly symphony called 'The old mill'. The old mill was essentially a trail-run for snow white and the seven dwarfs. probably contributed to its greatness. Unburden by any notion of a soild narrative, the film allows viewer to simply sit back and lose themselves in the atmosphere of the nature scene. Another thing that was used in the making of snow white was using the moviola which is a device that allows a film editor to view a film white editing. It was the first machine for motion picture editing.
Monday 25th November 2024 The golden age
LO: To explore cinema in the 1930s
How does the 1930s cinema experience differ from today?
-They were allow to smoke
-War/great depression
-orchestra instead of sound
-people would of went because its rare to see picture moving on screen {we are numb to it because its a norm today}
-different pays in some places
-escape reality
-some only be night late view
-main form entertainment
-everything they saw was new {example snow white}
-less popular now because of streaming serves
-upper class palaces would be more appealing for them
-for longer film would have intermissions, film stopped half way though so you could stretch legs
-some banned, highly edited
-massively popular all classes
Distribution 1930s:
-the studio system was big and had a lot of dominance, they could distribute and distribute them. Didn't really have indepenace film
-Disney wasn't in one of the big studio
-costed a lot of money, includes traveling
-Didnt suffer because of the great depression and the war
distribution of snow white
-premiered in LA in late december
-shown in new york and Miami in january in1938
-general release in february
-massive successful around the world
-london cinema the film ran for well over half a year
-RKO were the distrubter
RKO and disney
-Significant part of the success of his animation studio
-sign contract with RKO
-its distribution network allowed Disney's films to reach wider audience, expand his animation studio
Monday 2nd December 2024 Exhibition
LO: To explore Disney exhibition strategy
Innovation- making something new
storytelling- it was engaging for all ages, based on a well known fairytale story
music- first film to have a soundtrack
Distribution: Marketing
-Year before it was realsed they sold toys, merch,
-sold out several times before the films release
-creating excitement for the film
Disney: following snow white
-Feature films: The success of snow white paved way for series of other animated feature films.
-Expansion into television: walt Disney began to expand into televisions, producing popular shows such as The Mickey Mouse club and Disneyland
-Theme parks: opened Disneyland, worlds first theme park, in Anaheim, california.
Disney merch:
-lego set
Soundtrack- had several soundtrack release since its original release in 1937
Re-release 6 times since 1937
1944- This helped boast the morals during the ww2 and to introduce to a new generation
1952- Double feature disney with disney, alice and the wonderland
1967- 30th celebration
1983- double feature with micky mouse coral and the 50th
live action remakes
-introducing them to a new viewers, updated the stories and characters with modern technology and filmmaking techniques
-way for Disney to leverage their existing intellectual property, which is a valuable asset for the company.
-changing film industry and audience preferences. Rise of streaming services and competition other studios
Friday 6th December 2024 Context: Snow white
Lo: To explore regulation & context of 1930s
1937 regulation
- They had stablised regulation in 30s
- heys code in the us
- enforce the code by self regulation
- the moral standers were more strict
- pushed the boundaries of what was allow
- snow white was rated a U in Britain, however the board did have concerned about the scary scene featuring the evil queen which result a warning
- US and Brititan had an impact on the production and distribution on show white, the film was able yo navigate these regulation and achieve commercial success.
different from the background, use of media language create meaning
-reflecting social culture and political attitude towards wider issues and beliefs
-constructing social, cultural and political attitude towards wide issues and beliefs
-how media products studies can act aas means reflecting historical issues and events
-how media products studie are influenced by social, political and historical context through intertextual reference
-how media products studied reflect their economic context through production, financial and technological opposites and constrans
Economic context
- production costs about 1.5 million
- revenue streams
-marchdiesing, release the little figure first
-first feature animated film, growth on the animation industies
-Dominace of hollywood majors: release strategies reflect changes
-sources of income merchandising and additional revenue sources
Monday 9th December 2024
Shang-chi & the legend of the ten rings
LO: To explore the set texts
what makes a film a Hollywood blockbuster
-high profile actors
-high brugets
-produce by a popular Hollywood studio
-high production value
-appeal to wide range of audience
-released during peak moviegoing periods
-strong marketing
what is tent pole film
-A tent pole guarantied to make a certain amount of money
cinematic universe:
- MCU is a series of interconnected superhero films and Tv shows produced by marvel studios and based on characters from marvel comics. The MCU is one of the most successful and expansive movie franchises in history with over 47 films and Tv shows to date.
- Iron man realesed 2008 and set the stage for a shared universe of interconnected stories, the introduction of characters expand the universe.
legacy character
- A legacy character is when a character whose identity is passed down to them from an older character in the form of a title, job or a persona for the newer character to assume. Such as batman who be played by different actors.
- spider man: no way home, there were several lagcy characters appearing alongside peter parker/Spiderman.
Shang-chi and the legend of the ten ring: differ from other marvel films
- Origin story: unlike many other marvel films that focus on established characters. This allow film to explore new themes and ideas such as family, identity and cultural heritage
- cultural representation: first marvel film to feature as Asian superhero as the lead character and the film celebrates and embraces heritage throughout.
- action sequences: Features some of the most visually stunning and innovative action sequences in the MCU. Martial arts, acrobatic and CGI to create thrilling and dynamic fight scenes that stands out in other marvel films.
- villains: complex villain in the form Wenwu, leader of the ten ring organisation. Contrast to some other marvel films that had weaker or more one-dimensional villains
- connection to the MCU: It is a standalone film, connects to the wider MCU in several ways. Film feature a cameo from a well known marvel charatcers.
Main characters-
Xu Xialing
Ying Nan
Xu Wenwu
Shang-Chi is about a young Kung-Fu master who is forced to confront his past when he estranged father draws him into a search for a mythical village.
representations {groups, individuals, places etc}:
Men and woman is equal in power however the female is more skilled therefore over powers the male.
The cultural representation was shown when they were speaking in another language for a long time.
how are changes in the film industry shown-
-Modern, shows repesentations of different ethinity groups
Monday 6th January 2025 Shang-Chi & the legend of the ten rings
LO: to explore the context of the set text
gender- very inclusive in gender, unlike snow white the gender stereotype was traditional whereas shang-chi is modern and is equal however still have some stereotype. More modern take on gender role and diervse.
ethnicity- asin cast
age- different ages
sexuality heterosexual in SW, same with shang-chi, however hinted kate admiring shang-chi sister. not touch on the subject that much.
social contexts:
globalised and immigration.
development in technology shown with phones.
Disney in 2021
-international cologlomerate, made up of small different business.
-films and spin offs remain important to the Disney brand, however primely sells television, parks, cruises and holiday resorts.
- media network and parks, experiences and products vast majority of the company overall income.
Film in 2021
-streaming services, such as Disney plus and Hulu are rapidly growing in revenue.
-Exclusive rights to blockbuster film such as shang-chi can promote the service which can extend the brand of the franchise.
-cut all licensing deals with streaming companies such as Netflix in order to ensure exclusivity for Disney plus. gambling on expending its subscriber base sufficiently to become major streaming player.
who directed shang-chi
- destin daniel cretton
who produced it
- Kevi feige and jonathan schwartz
what company produced it
- marvel studios
what company distributed it
- walt disney
what was the production budget
- 150-200 million dollars
what was the marketing budget
what was release strategy was used
- only released in the cimera and then released on Disney plus
how much has it made so far
what was the box office revenue
- 432.2 million
theres a ranges of influenced in Shang chi such as:
martical arts
marvel {superhero films}
Chinse mythology and folklore
hong kong cinema
fantasy adventure films.
distribution and exhibition
exhibition- public display of films for the audience to watch movie in theatre and other venues.
distribution- process of getting films to the theatre of other venues .
New technology
- visual and special effect
- CGI- marvel uses CGI a lot to create a range of visual effects.
- motion capture- this is used to capture a artor movements
- green screen
- particle effects
- 3D Printing
streaming services
-offering wide a wide range of content. Offical streaming services can reduce people to turing to illegel streaming.
- providing higher quality
- offering competitive pricing.
streaming and disney
- allow disney to expand the distubed channels and reach a wider audience. one of the first studio to have their own, so not having to share.
- be able to connect with audience in new and engaging ways.
- they can access the audience data and and insight about their audience
- they had to heavily invest to make sure it policy
Friday 10th January 2025 Shang-Chi- Marketing and promotion
Lo: to explore the marketing of set text
marketing techniques
- posters
- advertising?
- trailers
- billboard
- merch
- social media {the actors/actress, company}
- collaboration
- interview
- video game events
- magazine/press review/rating
- premires
- sneak peak/behind the scene
- the promotion in all media before and after released
- different cuts necessary for different cultures or terrorise.
- how the income for the release will be appotion
- how far the distribution lience extends into other market such as Tv and home entertainment
- The objective is to create visibility for an individual film and engage the audience interest
- because of the proliferation of films, interest needs to be built
premiered on ESPN as their official trailer- TA men.
Monday 13th January 2025
Film poster analysis
- action, sci-fi, fantasy the use of the neon colour can show the genre.
- Maval
- Son and dad going head to head, something to do with the lenage of the rings
- war between two side
- the colour and lighting
- two side of the life, the location
binary opposite-
- good/bad {the cold light going agaist warmth,light on face and dark on other face}
- youth/age
- ten rings links to the title, its important and powerful
- Simu Lin {plays shang-chi}?
- Awkawfina {plays katey}?
- not typical star hollywood so the cast isn't on the posters
- darkness with the poster {doesnt match the film}
- marcel arts
- The marvel logo
Theatrical trailer
audience appeals/key elements
-The action seekers which appeals to the audience
- Family releaship
- Fans of Marvel the light hearted tone and comedy
- The asian/chinses culture {the dragon and the casts}
- spoken in english
- the setting {san-franciosn}
- the CGI {the dagon}
- the fantasy creatures
- origin story
The marketing of major Hollywood films has changed since the 1930s to which has been shown in snow white and in Shang-chi. The changes happended due to the increase in the development of technology. In the 1930s, they were not as advance with techology like today is.
Walt Disney for example has released mechanise a year before snow white release date, they had stole out several time before the movie was released. Before snow white was released, merchandise was never realised before the film and was typically released after the film was, whereas snow white did the opposite and was a great strategy because it not only worked as a form of advertising but also created a lot of exitcement for the audience because of the advertisement and marketing, but also its the first full animated movie. Following the film realese, many of the merchandise was sold such as hats, dolls and other accessories and along with the accessories was sold a soundtrack which was relased at the same time as snow white. Realsing the toys was a good stregty because its was able to grab the younger audience attention while they also got to learn the dwafs name. Another release way of marketing snow white was something called the 're-realse' where they release snow white again in the cinema 6 times since 1937 one because its would be introduce to a new generation but also Walt Disney likes to create nostalgia. Over time, the technology has gotten more developed which lead to snow white producing it on DVD and the soundtrack would got re-released on CD and viyel.
The technology has proliferation and has become more developed over time which can be seen with Shang-Chi that was released in 2021. Today the marketing of films has develop more because of social media. Because of social media, the cast can promote the film through their social media pages and people who are a fan can share which spread the film and creates a bigger audience, its a very effective way in promoting and marketing films today whereas in the 1930s, they couldn't do that. Another way that marketing has changed over time is doing collaborations and interviews, for example in the making of Shang-Chi they partner with the BMW which is a car company, there car was feature in the film which is another way of having their film marketing and differs from the 1930s. They also had character poster which gives the chance the audience to know who the characters are. Another way it has improved is because of CGI.
Friday 17th January 2025 Shang-Chi Economic context
Lo: to explore the context of the set text
The fukopop was release months before the film because it helps build the hype and excitement for the film.
Economic context
- production costs- Disney and marvel studios are known for producing high-budget film.
- Box office venu
- Market trends- Influenced by broader market trends in the film industry
- streaming-
Shang-Chi: Audience and regulation
Lo: to explore the regulation of film
Shang-chi uk rating: 12A at cinema
- Is rated as a 12A because for moderate violence, fantasy threat, bloody images and the language that is used.
- Violence elements is shown through the martical arts and other ranges of fighting style. The biggest violence is the bus scene which show case choreographed and heavily styled hand to hand combat.
- The slow motion effects forces on certain punches and the razor fist which almost hits shang-chi close to his face. However, no focus on injuries or death.
- The languages that is used
- The moment of clearly undercut the racist sentiment with comedy.
The monsters, the fight between shang-chi and his dad which was intense and he kills his dad, when shang-chi was drowing
may have been banned in china
- ongoing tension with the US and china
- the portrayal of chinses
- most of the casts doesn't have chines passport
- didn't approve of the chinse culture
- have strict rules about their content
Monday 20th January 2025 Exam format
LO: To explore exam style questions.
Section A:
- Radio
- video games
- Film
15 mark each
- one on industries
- one on audience
- conclusion isn't necessary
strength: Used proliferation, added a good introduction, used good examples
weakness: Didn't add a conclusion? talks more on modern
strength: did a conclusion, focus on the question, talks about the audience
weakness: It was short No comparison, no good examples
Explain how producers target, reach and engage audiences for film through content and marketing. In your answer you must explain how social and economic contexts influence how producers target, reach and engage audience.
Producers has targeted and engage their audience for film through content and marketing.
This can be shown In the 1930s with snow white and the seven dwafs in the marketing since Walt Disney had released merchandises before the releasing of the movie, this marketing stragey was a good way to get the audience engage and get ecited for the film, to engage the younger audience, they had released figuriens and other form of merch which was able to engage them and learn the drawfs names before the film was even released. In the 1930s, the technology wasn't advance as it is now, therefore, people in the 1930s were excited to see a full animated movie which had never be done before.
Whereas in Shang-chi, the profilcation in technology had become more advance and ways of marketing and engaging with the audience had become easier with the use of social media. The producer have used known superheros in the Shang-chi which was able to reach and target the MCU fans and get them engaged in the film. With the use of technology and the internet, the casts members were able to share the trailer onto their social media pages, and the own studio company were able to do that which reach a wide ranges of audience, therefore, the audience were able to interreact and share the trailer across other platforms. This was a very good marketing technique way to send the film out while also getting the audience involved in it.
The econmics for snow white was a lot because they were using advance techology at the time such as the mulitplane camera which was high techology back in the 1930s, the making of snow white took 3 years and since it was the first animated full length movie, it was more expressive because Wait dinsey didn't have the money and had to burrow the money from others .
Friday 24th January 2025 And finally...
Lo: to summarise key factors in film industry
industry in 1930s
- relied on a system of vertical integration
- Formed an oligopoly that controlled the market in the USA and much of the world
- Disney had done deal with RKO
- Cimera that arent own by the studio relied on them for content which they controlled through the system of block booking
- Disney orgiginally establish a niche with the system.
Industry now
- now an international conglemerate
- more media forms and platform, more competition
- big buget tentpole films must offer visual spectacle and an immersive expience
- blockbuster introduce, large budget films with accessible pleaure designed to appeal to mass globel audiences which flood the market with saturated distribution
Snow white production, disbrition and marketing
- premiered in LA in december 1937
- slowing released it because they weren't know and wasn't sure how it would have been recreated nor hw popular it was, soon it there was a global released and was quickly succesful.
- Ran over for 6 months in london which got audience to travel oversea to watch it
- Premiere was reported nationally in the US on NBC radio
- glowing review in time magazine a week after release
- printed poster shows snow white caring for her 'family'
- trailer release of walt talking about the dwafs
- Vertical intergeneration in use, released in cimera in 2021 and then on disney in novermber 201
- did not do good in asin and was banned in china which is strictly controlled.
- released on labour day which means people weren't at work and could see the film.
- Box office dropped 67% after the first week which is typical for a film with a big opening
ecomic context
- bith film were successful in gobel markets
Friday 7th February 2025 Radio one breakfast show
LO: to research the background and industry behind the BBC radio 1 show
- celebrated its 50th anniversary when the show was launched in 1967, often diet pop music and was described by radio times as 'the swinging nre radio serive'
- set up as alternative to the two existing bbc radio channels radio 2 and radio 4, at the time there was no breakfast tv and no independent radio station. It was established at the request of the government
When is public service broadcasting and what does this mean for the BBC?
- The public service broadcasters are those providing channel 2 services, channel 4, channel 5 and the BBC
How is the BBC founded?
- standard Tv licence is currently £169.50
Amount of radio stations does the BBC have and how do they differ - 10 radio station. 6 station in the so call national
BBC mission, Values and public purposes
Our mission is "to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain".
- To provideo impartical news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them.
- To support learning for people of all ages
- to show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services
- To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all the united Kingdom nations
- We have established a set of values for everyone working at the BBC. They represent the expectations we have for ourselves and each other, they guide our day-to-day decisions and the way we behave.
Our values are:
- - AUDIENCES are at the heart of everything we do
- - CREATIVITY is the lifeblood of our organisation
- - TRUST is the foundation of the BBC - we’re independent, impartial and truthful
- - We RESPECT each other - we’re kind, and we champion inclusivity
- - We are ACCOUNTABLE and deliver work of the highest quality
- - We are ONE BBC - we collaborate, learn and grow together
5. To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world
The BBC should provide high-quality news coverage to international audiences, firmly based on British values of accuracy, impartiality, and fairness. Its international services should put the United Kingdom in a world context, aiding understanding of the United Kingdom as a whole, including its nations and regions where appropriate. It should ensure that it produces output and services which will be enjoyed by people in the United Kingdom and globally.
Monday 10th February 2025 Radio 1 breakfast show
Lo: To research the background and industry behind the BBC radio 1 show.
- PSB has an important role to play democracy/culture
- PSB insitudtions are dependent on political support
- cultural policy suggests PSB encourages inclusivity but also encourages a national culture
- Links to Reithian origins but develops into a global framework and a debate on the whole concept 'national television' and global tevision'
BBC radio 1:
Target audience
- 15-29 years, they play popular music across variety of genres. Known for its engaging presenters and lively entertainments show.
- 07:00-10:30
- Greg James
audience figures-
- went up to 4.1
regular features
- Yesterday news and unpopular opinion
During and after
- Use the BBC sound app or website they do the past episode, highlights on youtube and social media, BBC iplayer
BBC radio 1 remit
- entertain and engage a broad range of young listeners with a distinctive mix of contemporary music and speech
Biggest competition- heart radio, radio 2
social and online
- real time dialoge with audience through text, emails and social media
- podcasts of sections of the show available to download
- a dedicated youtube channel hosting highly shareable.
Friday 28th February 2025 BBC Radio One
- Radio one has TikTok, it is less serious and has celebrity features
- instagram has more news, more reels
- Twitter {X} is more news based
- facebook has more things about news since facebook is aimed at older people.
- visual and has a playlist
Monday 3rd March 2025 Radio 1 Breakfast show
LO: To explore industry and contextual areas
- Music is largely playlists, what is going to be played on daytime radio one is decided by a committees; they choose around 40 records each week for repeat daytime play.
- choices are partly guided by whats already popular with young people online. many older artist are not included as the network
-Talks about the plane that happened in Canada, Ukraine, football, the video the game which shows the ranges of different information. The quote 'national orientations cant speak everyone'
- tree hugging
- The unique phone calls such as the one where it involves hugging the tree, the different features, the quizzes and shows the high quality
- The school experience sharing it with the whole of the UK and the different accents.
- The sharing of the experience of the school
- Ofcom
- The mission of the BBC is to act in the public interest, serving all audience through the provision of impractical, high quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain
- The BBC has to make sure its keeps to its strict PSB remit: greg james nearly quitting during lockdown. Controverially, putting it out there.
- Is the regulator for the communication services that we use and rely on each day.
- They make sure they get the best from the broadband, home phone and mobile service as well as keeping an eye on Tv and radio.
- someone can complant about something and ofcom will look into the radio and or Tv or whatever the person is complaining about.
- they are indepented and are fundeded by
Friday 7th March 2025 BBC 1 breakfast show
LO: to explore industry & contextual areas
- declined in audience for radio because there are other ways to listen to musics.
- radio listeners has increase due to Covid 19
- lots of listeners uses catch up and on demand services and not live.
- audiences are categorised and measured by rajar.
- The BBC aims to produce content appropriate for a diverse range of young audiences
- the use of live concert and regional event are a critical component of this, with the inclusions of global majority groups being a particular focus.
- Nick Grimshaw breakfast show on BBC radio 1 had lost 500,000 listeners in the space of a year due to how the young peoples listening habits are changing.
- 15-24 year olds spent listening to radio had fallen from 29 millions hours in 2010 to 16 million in 2016. This age group used to make up 45% of radios 1 listenership {3.7m} its now just 36%, this is thank to the arrival of streaming services.
- Strategy to focus on its younger audience exclusively, is proving a success.
- The station made a conscious effort in 2015 to focus on its key, younger audience of 15-29 years olds and in their words to 'play the best music and support emerging talent'
- to entertain and engage the younger audience with a distinctive mix of contemporary music and speech.
- RAJAR announced 51 million adults or 88% of the adult (15+) uk population tuned to their selected radio stations each week in the third quarter of 2024.
instragam- 1.8 million followers
facebook- 3.4 million followers its no longer being used that much
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