Friday, 29 November 2024


 Friday 29th November 2024          Feedback

-clearly linked
-contexts a great start
-good images
-layout basic but great start

images- edit so bright/lenshadow
proof read spelling
banner context needs change
placement of images so not coverd

-HP has good basic layout
-good style link to magazine
-pages added

-linked page video
-consider digital convergence 

WEEK A- Thursday 2nd
WEEK B- Thursday 1st

Q3- audience respond to and interpret media representation 
-representation in the advert 
-how the audience respond to that
-3 different points
-social groups
-prefer reading
-can add theory {gets highter marks} 
-describing advert wont get you marks
-Advert construct viewpoints to address different targets. 
-stereotypes, how can it interpret to the audience
-introduction of the advert in genreal 

Q2- gerne conventions big issue
-media language
-challenge or agrees
-judgements {no right or wrong support}
-Big issues is magazine
-genre conventatin of a magazine
-follows magazine convetation {use of vibereate colour, bold big masthead}
-mostly challange {split masthead, layout, slogan, ideology to homelessness, graphic style}

Target for big issues/adverts
-talk about it adverts/magazine in grenal 
-make a judgements 

Mock exam
Rep and ML
- Don't describe the music video much, wont gets you marks

Wednesday 26th February 2024     DIRT
Question 3: 
use the points 
question address
Exmaple from the text
analysed for liar
link to theory
refer back to question 
paragraph one: intro yes- codes and con
paragraph two: context of production of KE/LP
paragraph three: Context of production of KE/LP
paragraph four: Context influenced in C&C-KE/LP
paragraph five: conclusion/judgement-difference inC&C KE AND LP 

- Liar in my points 
- relevant theory
- link code and conventions back to context and belief of the audience
- link audience value and attitudes back to the code and conventions 
Neale: genre conventions do reflect 
Gilroy: lupin and the criminalisation 
Bultler: killing Eve performs gender role via eve, villanelle and niko
bell hooks: killing eve, villanelle and Eve are intersectional
Van zoonen- lupin, assane wife, julette 

Codes and conventions can reflect the different values, attitudes and beliefs for the audience who consumes them within long form tv drama which can be seen in the first episode of killing Eve and Lupin

Context of production and consumption killing eve: 
- Made by an all female production team because of the metoo movement {historical context} 
- reflect the social values at the time via me-too movement
- BBC america, shown to be in america then move to BBC 3 then netflix
- Big budget- Sandra Oh appeal to the US audience as they wre the primely audience 
Consumption: BBC america, paid for Tv, BBC three- free license Netflix, subscriptions, gradually moved to binge watching as avanlible of all episodes to watch. 

Question four:
what are the applicable points on the theory
how does the theory work for the TVD
How does the theory apply
give examples from TVD
Limitations covered as well

Monday, 2 October 2023

homework for miss mac

 Thursday 5th October 2023

The Ring I Part 1 0001 - YouTube


In the opening scene with the clock is a zoom in. The scene and camera movement is to create an uneasy feeling. The clock is ticking almost like it counting down last minutes of your life until you die. This is to make you feel scared of what might happen and to make you feel uneasy about what will happen next. 

The scene when the phone is going off is a static. No movement as the characters speak on the phone. This is also creating an unsettling feeling as you cant look away. The the shot is a mid shot, this is also to show the character facial expression change from serious to relax. 

when the character is walking to the front room, the framing feels like a POV. That scene is created to make you feel what the character feels. It the feeling of scared, uneasy, but at the same time curious about what could be happing in the front room. 

the scene after that is an estabing shot. This is to show where the characters is located what what the area looks like, such as the kitchen. The scene is trying to make you feel nervous as you look at it, expecting something to happen like someone to appear in the window or something falling to the ground.  

As the character is walking upstairs, the angle is a ground level angle. this is haunting because you are watching the character walk up the stairs slowly, but also tracking the water that is coming from under the door, this is to create something scary and haunting, but in a way curious. 

Friday, 29 September 2023


 Friday 29th September 2023     lights, camera, actions

LO: to understand and practice using the principles of film making


shot type-

establing shot- show the era of the place

wide shot- used to be make the person lost, show emotions

full/long shot- subject in the centre 

mediam long shot- present the character is strong 

mid shot- dig into the subject eye 

mid close up- use to when to get interment with the character, 

close up- highlights to show the emotions change, dramatic effect 

extreme close up- startling, dramatic, isolate something crucial to the narrative  


single- one character, clean best use to show isolation, dirty is used limits one charatcer

two shots- two character face clear, relatship, 

now matter how many characetr are in the fame

over-shoulder- perspective from both side

pov- to get pov of anything and feel 

inters shot- with object

camera angle:

low angle- make to look more powerful

high angle- beat them down, make them look weak, to show the area

overhead- show great complex morement, capture crime show

dutch angle- unease, worry, magnified tension

eye level- inerments connection, breaking the forth-wall

shoulder level- subtle, used in convatition, show hight difference

hip level- draw tension used lots in country films 

knee level- camera detail, following a character 

ground level- track the camera movement, its can be haunted,     

camera movement:

static- no movement, great for dialog, allow the actor to shine, traped the character, not allow to look away from the graphics and it unsettling

pan- follow character actions

Whip pan- fast, up the scene, 

title- used to give character domantice or weakness, relave information such as setting and character, 

push in- move the camera to the subject, show its important, push in on text, objects, capture thought process, effect to communicate, 

pull out- single to disconnect from the characters, negative emanations, highlights aboandemnt 

the zoom- realve the contexts, attraction of detail, create uneasiness in horror, 

crash zoom- dramatic,  used in comedy, drama, 

dolly zoom- dramatic zoom, while moving camera 

camera roll- match character movement, conflit, 

tracking- move with the subject, where is this character going and what going to happen? dangerous, tragic, leads 

trucking- left or right, 


Monday, 18 September 2023

Homework for mrs busby

 Monday 18th September

Ironythe expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite
Parody/Homage- making fun of things/ looking at someone as inspiration
Bricolage-construction or creation from a diverse range of available things
Intertextual references- referring to other texts
Fragmented narrative- broken narrative where things doesn't make sense
Self reflexivity- reflecting yourself 
Common themes ( What if?) - has this really happened
Loss of reality- When a person doesn't know what is real.

Lack of Verisimilitude- real or true

criminal minds season 11 ep 11

in this ep you can see the irony when kat Adams and spencer Reid goes on a date at the start of the ep this is irony because its the opposite of it. they aren't actually on a date spencer the FBI agent is trying to get the unsub Kat Adams who is a serial killer. this can be called an situational irony. 

homage can be seen in this ep because for me I find that kat Adams is inspirational to because she is a female serial killer who I loved plus she crazy but I also find that spencer Reid is inspirational because he is taking down a serial killer which is amazing and he was going undercover but soon got discover by kat which I loved. 

loss of reality can been seen in this episode in criminal minds because it really intense when  kat knows Reid was an agent and when she knows that his team was in the restaurant, she knew everything about the team and it make you lose reality of what's going on around you cause you are wondering what's going to happen making and you forget that the tv shows is not reality. 

Saturday 24th September 2023

greys anatomy season 5 episode 6

identity: In this episode of greys anatomy identity can be shown with the two female characters Callie Torres {sara Ramirez} and Erica Hahn {Brooke smith} exploring there sexuality and identity. The audience might identity with them because they might also be confused about their own sexuality. For example Callie Torres is the best representation for this as she is very confused because she likes both male and female, yet she doesn't know what she is until later one. She simply goes along with whatever and explore her sexuality which then leads to her being bisexual. This helps the audience to understand themselves more and can be relatable for them. Also make them understand that its okay to like both genders even if your unsure. 

gender:  Gender can be shown in this episode in greys anatomy with erica Hahn as she the opposite of the female stereotype. When she talking to a Doctor she is insensitive about helping a patient who has an inoperable tumour, she doesn't care to even try and help {she does end up helping} she not a gentle person and does not care for others feelings. she is more dominate and logical, which is not the stereotype of a female. Derek Shepherd {Patrick Dempsey} is another good person to represent gender {not in this episode as much} He is a independent neurosurgery meaning he is successful, he is the stereotype of a male. His nickname in the show is 'mcdreamy' meaning he is known to be charming and good looking with good hair , He is tough and can be insensitive to other people feelings especially his wifes sometime. In this episode you could kind of see his dominance when he is in the OR with a patience and with two another doctors, he order and sort of yelled at one of them. 


butler: tony stark is the stereotype of a male. He is a playboy billionaire, who likes to drink, party and is successful. He tends to have casual relationships with with females. this links to the idea of butler theory of how genders role are portrait for males. He is seem to be overconfident and arrogant, he believes he can handle any situation. however later on he has character development and uses his ability for the greater good,. for example in the binging of the film he is in the tank (whatever it call) drinking what seems to be whisky which helps shows he like to drink. even in his luxurious mansion at the bringing he partying with attractive females around him which is showcasing his wealthiness and him being a stereotypical playboy rich man. however later on he gets out of those habits and starts to take respolitity.

van zooner: in the bringing there a female airman, she is being seen as someone who is to pretty to be in the army you can see that in the dialog when tony stark says he 'excellent bone structure' meaning that because she has a good face structure its sounds like he saying you are to pretty to be in the army. he then conutines to say he cant look away from her, which then made all the others male characters laugh. in a way this is seen as the female being used as an object but with dialog instand of clothing. In in party scenes you can see that the women are dressed up in glamour sand realving  dresses, these scence can be seen as them being objects and there just to be pretty. Another example is the reporter Christine Everhart, her hair is down and looks beautiful, she is wearing a shirt that has a few buttons undone which indicates her beauty. the person who holding the car door called her cute, so then tony turned around and spoke to her this is showig that if she wasnt he woulnt have spoke to her, its forcues on her physical appearance longer then it should. this links to van zooner theory of women being seen as sexual objects.  

Levi Strauss theory 


Harry potter has captivated the hearts and minds of their audience by representing them the good and evil. Beyond the magic, witch's and wizard and other magical things it has shared a deeper meaning of good and evil. An example of the good and evil is shown by the three headed dogs. In the close up shot of there faces, you can see that they have large teeth, and look ready to attack them. The three headed dogs were shown to be evil as it attack Harry, Hermione and Ron. In the low angle shot, its show the three headed dogs to be more powerful then the three characters, as the dogs are larger then them. However the dogs aren't necessary evil, but are good. The three headed dogs were protecting the a trapdoor. They were doing their job. This is in a way  foreshadowing what is so important about the trap door. In this good is being topped by evil. This links back to Levi Strauss theory of the things such as good and bad being the binary opposite. During the time of the production, Harry potter came out during culture and social change. The book had timeless theme such as friendship, bravery, and the battle between the good and the evil which related to the readers/viewers at the time who were facing with the changes of the world changes like we are today. Harry potter shows good and evil, and other ranges of things in the end.    

Monday 6th November 2023

Station 19:

media language- diegetic sound of the fire alarm shows that they are in a fire station. A mid shot of three characters standing in front of a cabinet where its hold photos and meaningful things from different firefighter, low angle shot of two character wearing uniform that shows that they are firefighters. wide mid shot of two male characters talking, behind them is the number of their station. close mid shot of a female holding a gun towards a firefighter head. 

representation- shown drug abuse, what firefighter deals with sometimes, sexual assault, knife crime, different race and culture, gender, sexuality. the fire chief being represented as powerful and mean. Police being shown as the bad people later on. representing the characters as a family. 

industry- station 19 is the second spin off, of greys anatomy, therefore big budget. big setting throughout the scenes such as fire engine. Showing some cast from greys anatomy into station 19. 

audience- appeal to the audience because of the romance, the drama, the violence, the storylines and the explosions. this will appeal more towards teenagers and people in their 20s. 

context- shows the value of today life such as gender. Females are being firefighters there are many females characters with different culture, race and sexuality, including gay men, there are two characters. 

Monday 13th November 2023

Alias season one ep one (i don't think i did this right) 

Sydney walks into a white room that looks techolocal- links with spy's because spy can have very techolcal things. 

walks into office- busy people working and on the phones.

different locations- helps to understand where the spys and criminals are. How they blend in?

house- messy, everything broken, door been kicked open and dead boyfriend in the bathroom. 

they are all wearing something formal and professional such as suit and tie. 

sydney was wearing a casual clothing in the beginnging and switch to something more formal later on as she went into the office. this is to blend in with the college life she living and the formal attire is to show she working as a spy and that things are serious. 

sydney later wears a red long beauitful dress, her hair is done and her makeup is done- blends in with the crowd to hide her idenity of being a spy. 

The criminal is wearing a suit with an earpiece in making him look like a guard, he also blends in like Sydney does. 

different languages being spoken- spys intelligence 

there a shadow on half of the dad face- good and bad, good because he works for the CIA, but bad because he will do anything to keep his secret by getting someone to kill his daughter boyfriend. 

close up on sydney face-  shows emontions, her eyes red and puffy from crying and shows her heartbreaking from the lose of the person she loves. 


Friday, 8 September 2023

A level skills development

 Friday 8th September 2023   skill development

LO: to research, plan, and produce a product to response to a brief. 

indie album font covers ideas:

Thursday 14th September 2023


I am doing an indie cover for my design. The indie genre is an subgenre of rock music that originated in the early to mid 1980s. 

the colour schemes for indie is usually vibrant colours that gives of early and mid 80s vibes. 

the font is simple and looks like its mostly san-serif. 

the images of the cover tend to be simple and yet some can look complicated. some looks to be illustrated and sometimes they can used a picture that is real and have illustration to the album. 

the band i am taking inspiration from are the band modest mouse because i like the design and it simple yet good. 


NAME: Nightmare illusion 

GENRE: indie 

STYEL: simple, illustration, photos, soft vibrant colours?  

ALBUM NAME: forever dream? fever dream? 

SONG LIST: 7 days, fever dream, night night, midnight?, illusion town, chasing the night away, i got lost, somewhere down the road, a war to fight, illusion elements 

TOUR VENUES AND DATES: sunday 1st October 2023 {UK, London} friday 6th october 2023 {Washington, DC USA } Tuesday 10th October 2023 {Tokyo, Japan}, Satday 14th October 2023 , Wednesday 18th October 2023, sunday 22nd October 2023

WEBSITE HOMEPAGE ELEMENTS NEEDED: tour dates, social media platforms 

SM site and content: TikTok, instragame, twitter and facebook. they post behind the scence of filming music vids and in the studio, funny moments, random covers, photoshoot, tours dates. 






tour poster:

album cover:


 Friday 29th November 2024           F eedback Magazine:  -clearly linked -contexts a great start -good images -layout basic but great start...